Felix Roulin (born 1931)
Félix Roulin is a Belgian
sculptor, born August 21, 1931 in Dinant (Belgium). He was a student and professor at the School of Arts and Crafts Maredsous. He is Professor of metalwork and sculpture professor at the Higher Institute of Architecture and Visual Arts of La Cambre in Brussels from 1962 to 1996. He has, since 1980, a large foundry in a seventeenth-century farmhouse in Biesmerée (common Mettet, province of Namur, Belgium).
Permanent Collection held at:
Middelheim Museum, Netherlands
Untitled, 1963. Paper collage, signed, dated and numbered in pencil in the lower right corner, No. 1/1, floated in white matting under plexi in a natural color wooden frame, overall 14" x 16 ¾". David Anderson Gallery label verso.
Prov: Anderson Gallery, Buffalo NY; David Anderson Grandchildren's Trust, Buffalo NY.